I started studying classical piano in Pretoria at the age of six and went on to earn my Grade VIII with UNISA in my penultimate year at high school. During my university years I spent most of my free time playing jazz and function gigs in the Pretoria and Johannesburg areas with legendary players including trumpeter Charlie Sayers. After deciding that a career in engineering was not for me I became a professional musician at the age of 25 and aside from teaching children classical piano I was an active member of the Jo'burg recording session scene for four years before leaving for London at the age of 29. During this period I joined up with the great Johnny Fourie with whom I did many gigs and from whom I learned the path towards artistic enlightenment
Once in London I discovered how little I knew(!) and immediately set about building my reperetoire and technique. I worked the pubs of London, the West End clubs and piano bars, cabaret and theatre, and did some very exciting gigs with the Calypsonians playing lively soca music to massive crowds. I also did a stint with Eartha Kitt which included a couple of television appearances. I furthermore joined up with my old friend, bassplayer Ernest Mothle who introduced me to George Lee and we became founder members of the band Anansi which played to critical acclaim in the London area in the early eighties.

I returned to South Africa at the end of 1987 and after a 12-year period of semi-hibernation moved to Cape Town in 2001 and having worked on some new compositions I released two solo CDs reflecting my previous 30 years in music.

I continue to compose and arrange my music and play at live gigs whenever the opportunities arise.